
  • 心率
  • 呼吸
  • 承受压力的肌肉

However, it can be harmful to health if stress persists over time. Stress reduction and control are also important and will enable you to cope with many things in your life. The purpose of stress mitigation and control is not to completely eliminate it, but to reduce unnecessary stress and help you live with the unavoidable stress.

Too much untreated stress can lead to potentially severe physical and mental health problems. The positive news is that depression is achievable in many situations. With a little patience and few helpful tactics, you can reduce the tension levels at home or at work. Here are some tips to help stress mitigation:

  • Stop coffee, nicotine, and beer
  • To remain an optimist
  • Chat it over to a friend
  • Breathe the quick way
  • Get Sleep More
  • Listen to the playlist
  • Try relaxing methods, yoga, workout, deep breathing, meditation

Dealing With Stress Infographic