

The "five stages of grief" vary from person to person, and some people may only go through a few of these stages; others may get stuck in "depression" and even choose to end their lives, never reaching the point of "accepting" the truth. Stages. By understanding the "five stages of grief," you can help yourself examine your current state, find ways to cope, and get out of the shadow of grief faster. Sometimes a change of mind, a change of thought, is the key to "acceptance".


Customer journey mapping is a very useful technique to help you understand your customers' motivations - their needs, indecisiveness and concerns. While most organizations are quite good at collecting customer data, data alone cannot convey the frustrations and experiences of customers. One of the best storytelling tools in business is the customer journey map (CJM).
Kotter 變革管理的八個步驟

Kotter 變革管理的八個步驟

John Kotter, a professor at Harvard Business School, has studied many companies that have successfully implemented change in their organizations. This led him to develop a common eight-step model that other organizations can follow to make change. He describes his eight-step change process in his book, Leading Change. Although described as a model for change management and change leadership, it is worth noting that Kotter's eight steps are closely related to improvement planning. The human tendency toward routine means that change is a conscious desire to improve things or the need to adapt to changing circumstances.
Kotter 的 8 步變革模型 - 綜合指南

Kotter 的 8 步變革模型 – 綜合指南

The 8 steps in the process of change include: creating a sense of urgency, forming powerful guiding coalitions, developing a vision and a strategy, communicating the vision, removing obstacles and empowering employees for action, creating short-term wins, consolidating gains and strengthening change by anchoring change in the culture. Kotter’s 8 step model can be explained with the help of the illustration given below:
麥肯錫 7S 框架——包含相關示例、模板和工具

麥肯錫 7S 框架——包含相關示例、模板和工具

The 7-S model states that all aspects of a company must be considered holistically in the development process. It includes structure, systems, style, staff, skills, strategy and shared values. In other words, it is not enough for a company to have a clear strategy and a well-thought-out action plan, because companies can also make mistakes in the process of implementing their strategies. This is because strategy is only one factor.
ADKAR 變革管理模型

ADKAR 變革管理模型

Change is often a complex and difficult process, and more importantly, it is inevitable. Managing change at the individual and organizational levels requires new ideas, new models of change, and new frameworks and tools to successfully achieve the desired change. ADKAR can be applied to all forms of change to drive successful change programs. The ADKAR Transformation Model, created by Prosci founder Jeff Hiatt, consists of five initials that represent the five stages of change an individual must reach to succeed. Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement.
麥肯錫 7S 模型綜合指南

麥肯錫 7S 模型綜合指南

The McKinsey 7S Model ( also known as 7S Model for short) is the seven elements of a business organization designed by the McKinsey & Company Research Center, which states that companies must consider all aspects of the development process in a comprehensive manner, including structure, systems, style, staff, skills, strategy, and shared values - the seven skills, strategies, and shared values.