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According to the World Health Organization, nearly 50 percent of the 108 million people who donate blood globally each year are collected in high-income countries that make up less than 20 percent of the world's population.
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavi...
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Soybeans have been part of the traditional Asian diet for thousands of years. But for about 60 years, it has only appeared on Western tables as a common snack.
A project is a temporary work that creates a unique product, service, or result. The “tempora...
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Travelling is wonderful in many ways. The benefits of travel go beyond passport stamps and Instagram photos.
Studies show that 17 percent of adults never floss and 25 percent of adults ages 35 to 59 have untreated cavities.
Here are some tips for posing for "selfies" and how to hold a camera or phone.
By consuming fossil fuels, reducing rainforests and raising animals, humans are rapidly affecting the atmosphere and the temperature of the earth.
Do you feel overwhelmed by all the different skincare products on the store shelves? You're not alone! With so many different products to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start.
Culturally, coffee is an important part of Ethiopian and Yemeni culture. This cultural significance dates back to the 14th century.