When you finish a design but want to change the size, you can resize all pages at once. All pages can be resized by selecting or entering the exact size from the buttons in the arrangement options on the format panel.

Different templates also have fixed sizes by default, you can also change the desired paper size via the format panel at once.

Use the format panel to change the paper size at once

  1. Make sure you have nothing selected in your diagram so you can see the page settings panel on the top.

  2. Click the Resize All Pages Botton from the page settings panel.

    Resize all pages at once

  3. Select a new Paper Size from the drop-down list. Then click Resize button to resize all the pages of your design.


Use a custom paper size for your diagram

Make sure you have nothing selected in your diagram so you can see the page settings panel on the top. Click the Resize All Pages Botton from the page settings panel.
Enter the custom height and width of your page.


You can enter the size of the page in px/inch.

One inch is approximately equal to 96px or 96 pixels per inch (PPI). A pixel is the basic unit of information that is displayed on a digital device. It is denoted as px and one pixel is equal to 1/96 inches.