Create a flipbook easily with Visual Paradigm Online, you create your own flipbook or conversion documents to flipbook in VP Online. After an online flipbook is created, we can share it with others. You can set your flipbook background when you share your flipbook. In this video, you can see how to change the background of your flipbook in VP Online.

You can specify the background of your flipbook in VP Online.

  1. Mouse over your flipbook that you want to specify the background and select “Settings” on your Workspace, My Flipbooks > Drive.
  2. After opening the setting, choose “Appearance” to open the background panel.

  3. There are a couple of background options available, You can select “image” and press the EDIT button to set the background using our built-in images, which are categorized according to style.

  4. The Fill Mode can specify how the image will be filled as the background of your flipbook.

  5. You can also select “Color” to use a custom color as the background of your book.

  6. Besides, you can select “Upload” and press the UPLOAD button to upload a custom image and use it as background.

  7. Press the Finish button to save the change, and your flipbook will show your specified background.