Apply gradient color to shape the caption
A color gradient is a color that changes from one color to another color. A color gradient can either be vertical, horizontally, or diagonally. Using a color gradient can help you get attention and direct eyesight, making your work more engaging. This video will show you how to apple gradient color to shape caption in the Visual Paradigm Online.
Apply gradient color to the element’s caption
In VP Online, you can apply gradient color to the element’s caption.
- Select the element, then go to Settings Panel, text, and select Gradient.
- Click on the color box will allow you to pick two colors from the spectrum to generate the gradient.
- Here has a preset to help you select the gradient color, you can click the color box to select the first and the second color. The selected color box will have a black triangle on the top of the box.
Some tips for you for using gradient colors:
- Choose a color that suits your brand
- Make sure the color is not too strong
- Make sure the other colors you choose as accent colors really stand out and complement the color gradient
- Use color gradients as a stylish feature