MS Word is a word processing application developed by Microsoft that is commonly used to create and edit text files. EPUB is an electronic book or eBook file format designed to be reflowable, meaning that text and images can be optimized for different screen sizes and orientations. In case we want to convert MS Word to ePub, VP Online will be a useful tool for you.

When do we need to convert MS Word document to EPub

There are several situations where it may be necessary to convert an MS Word document to the ePUB format, including:

Publishing an e-book: If you are an author, publisher, or self-publisher looking to create an e-book, you may need to convert your MS Word document to the ePUB format to ensure that your book can be read on different e-readers and mobile devices.

Distribution: If you want to distribute your content to a wider audience, converting your MS Word document to ePUB can make your work available in a more accessible and portable format that can be read on various e-readers, tablets, and smartphones.

Benefits of Using EPub

Compatibility: EPUB files can be read on a wide range of e-readers, tablets, and smartphones, making it a universal format for e-books.

Reflowable text: The reflowable text feature of ePUB files allows the text and images to be optimized for different screen sizes and orientations, providing a consistent reading experience across devices.

Lightweight: EPUB files are typically smaller in size compared to other file formats, which makes them quicker to download and easier to share.

Convert MS Word document to ePub format

How to convert MS Word document to ePub format
After login, click App- Document in our workspace.

Upload your MS Word to the page.

In the document editor, click Share on the top right corner.
Choose to export as EPUB (.epub)  and start downloading.