2018 Poverty Rate in the United States

2018 Poverty Rate in the United States

You may consider that US is the richest country in the world does not have a poverty myth. In fact, the United States has one of the highest poverty rates among developed countries. OECD report ranked the United States 29 of 31 OECD countries in 2012. When it comes to child poverty, things are even worse. A UNICEF report found that the United States ranked 34 of 35 developed countries – only Romania had a higher child poverty rate. According to The provertyusa.org: Poverty does not hit all demographics equally. For example, in 2018,…continue reading →
Nonprofit Fundraising Timeline

Nonprofit Fundraising Timeline

“It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.” – Steve Jobs What Is a Timeline? A timeline is a way to graphically display a series of events in chronological order. Some timetables are even drawn in proportion to the length of time, while others simply show the events in order. It helps you better understand history, a story, a process or any other form of an event sequence arranged in chronological order and displayed along a line (usually drawn left to right or top to bottom). The main…continue reading →
Water Crisis

Water Crisis

Water is essential for all forms of life. Although water does not provide calories or organic nutrients, it plays an important role in our world. It is the center of all life. “When the well’s dry, we know the worth of water.” – Benjamin Franklin Nearly a third of the world’s population – 2.6 billion people – live in countries with ‘high water scarcity,’ according to the World Resources Organization, with 1.7 billion people living in areas with ‘serious water shortage’ in 17 countries. While the world’s most water-deficient countries are known to…continue reading →
Cupcakes Timeline

Cupcakes Timeline

As an old-fashioned dessert, cupcakes have the freedom and joy of Americans. Through continuous improvement and innovation, they have become a synonym for a new round of fashionable food. Cup cake has a long history. They were invented in 1828 by the American chef Elizaleslie. “When you share a cupcake, you share love.” Cupcakes are prevalent in the northern United States and take root in Minnesota, making the region the most famous cake mecca in the United States. The reason why cupcakes are so popular is not without reason: Simple and neat: you…continue reading →
Working with Layout Compartments in VP InfoART

Working with Layout Compartments in VP InfoART

Layout is always an important factor in the artwork design. With Visual Paradigm InfoART layout control you can specify the layout of your artwork and then fit in your design elements. The size of elements will automatically adjusted according to your change in layout during the design process. To learn more about VP InfoART https://online.visual-paradigm.com/infoart/ Try it out with and see how the layout control help in artwork design Start Editing for Free Get your FREE VP InfoART account and start create your artworks! Get Started for Freecontinue reading →
Create Business Card in 4 Minutes

Create Business Card in 4 Minutes

A step-by-step guide to create business card by using Visual Paradigm InfoART. VP InfoART is an all-in-one online design platform for non-designers to create various artwork and printables. With VP InfoART you can create beautiful business cards in minutes, not in hours. More about VP InfoART at https://online.visual-paradigm.com/infoart/ Learn how to create an business card using VP InfoART 00:30 Specify business card background with stock photo 00:38 Edit business card using bundled text 00:57 Adding built-in artwork to business card and customize it 01:11 Create the back of the business card 01:21 Define…continue reading →
Create Greeting Card in 3 Minutes

Create Greeting Card in 3 Minutes

Visual Paradigm InfoART is an all-in-one online design platform for non-designers to create various artworks and printables. With VP InfoART you can create beautiful greeting cards in minutes, not in hours. More about VP InfoART can be found at https://online.visual-paradigm.com/infoart/ Learn how to create a greeting card using VP InfoART 00:29 Specify the layout of the greeting card 00:41 Add stock photo to compartment 00:50 Add built-in artwork to compartment as background 01:08 Organize design into layers 01:24 Add your greeting message with bundled text block and customize it 02:16 Outout greeting card…continue reading →
How to Save your Design as an Image in InfoART

How to Save your Design as an Image in InfoART

See how you can save your design as an image (e.g. PNG) in InfoART. Create professional infographics, flyers and marketing visuals in minutes, with no design experience! Official website of InfoART: https://online.visual-paradigm.com/infoart/ Start creating your first design: Start Editingcontinue reading →
How to Save Your Design in InfoART

How to Save Your Design in InfoART

See how you can save your design in InfoART. Create professional infographics, flyers and marketing visuals in minutes, with no design experience! Official website of InfoART: https://online.visual-paradigm.com/infoart/ Start creating your first design: Started Editing for Freecontinue reading →
Create a Flyer in 5 Minutes

Create a Flyer in 5 Minutes

A step-by-step guide to create a flyer by using Visual Paradigm InfoART. VP InfoART is an all-in-one online design platform for non-designers to create various artworks and printables. With VP InfoART you can create stunning flyers in minutes, not in hours. More about VP InfoART at https://online.visual-paradigm.com/infoart/create/flyers/ Learn how to create a flyer using VP InfoART 00:33 Define layout of the flyer 00:44 Fill layout compartment background with stock photo 01:03 Edit flyer using bundled text art 01:48 Use Smart InfoART to present information on flyer 03:55 Output flyer to PDF Click though…continue reading →