Babies Sleep Patterns Infographic

Babies Sleep Patterns Infographic

Newborns sleep for most of the day and night on average and wake up every few hours to feed. Overall, infants sleep a great deal more, averaging 14-17 hours a day for the first two weeks. They always wake up, ...
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How to create a resume using Visual Paradigm Online

How to create a resume using Visual Paradigm Online

Stand apart from other job seekers with a CV that is unique and looks professional. Use InfoART’s CV builder to customize our resume template by changing the images and icons. Visualize bored information with an InfoART component that draws the ...
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Fun Facts about Mount Everest Infographic

Fun Facts about Mount Everest Infographic

Mount Everest lies at the top of the Himalayas, across the border between Nepal and Tibet. Although climbing to the top of the world is a daunting and potentially deadly task due to extreme altitudes, avalanches, ice waterfalls and other ...
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Staying Healthy During COVID Infographic

Staying Healthy During COVID Infographic

Healthy Food A balanced diet is the key to staying healthy. When choosing food, follow the Healthy Eating Pyramid guidelines. Cereals should be the main dietary source. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Eat the right amount of meat, fish, eggs, ...
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What to Donate to Charity Infographic

What to Donate to Charity Infographic

Do you have unwanted clothes, bits and bobs at home that you want to take to a charity shop? There are some limits on what you can and can’t donate, though. We can prepared a simple one-paged infographic to what ...
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How to Boost Workplace Productivity Infographic

How to Boost Workplace Productivity Infographic

Employees are the cornerstone of a profitable company. They are assets that ensure a profitable enterprise. If staff work towards their highest capacity, the organization is more likely to be successful. Workplace efficiency is the secret to optimal results. Even ...
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Create Customer Journey Map Posters

Create Customer Journey Map Posters

Introducing VP InfoART - the ultimate tool for creating captivating and visually stunning customer journey map posters! With thousands of FREE handcrafted templates at your fingertips, you'll be able to transform your retail store's customer journey into an engaging visual ...
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