How to search content in Slideshow

In today’s digital age, slideshows have become an increasingly popular way to present and share information. Whether it’s for educational purposes, business presentations, or personal storytelling, slideshows offer a dynamic and engaging way to convey ideas and captivate audiences. One of the key features that enhances the functionality and user experience of slideshows is the search feature. Learn more about this feature in this article now!

Benefits of displaying your work with Slideshow

Displaying your work in a slideshow offers a multitude of benefits, ensuring that your content is presented in an engaging and visually appealing manner. One of the key advantages is the ability to preserve all animations, transitions, fonts, and effects in your presentation. Slideshows allow you to showcase your work exactly as intended, capturing the dynamic movements and visual enhancements that bring your content to life. Whether it’s a seamless transition between slides, animated elements, or carefully selected fonts, the slideshow format ensures that every detail is faithfully reproduced, creating a captivating viewing experience.

Another advantage of utilizing a slideshow is the convenience of online tools. With no installation required, you can access and create slideshows from any device with an internet connection. Online slideshow platforms offer user-friendly interfaces, allowing you to easily create, edit, and customize your presentations. This accessibility and flexibility enable you to work on your slideshows whenever and wherever inspiration strikes, without the constraints of specific software installations or limitations tied to a single device.

Additionally, sharing your slideshows with others becomes effortless through various networking options. You can conveniently distribute your slideshow’s URL, share it via email, or promote it through social media channels. This streamlined sharing process ensures that your work reaches a broader audience, whether it’s for educational, professional, or personal purposes. Furthermore, the interactive nature of slideshows allows viewers to navigate through the content at their own pace, providing a user-friendly experience that encourages engagement and interactivity.

How to search content in the Slideshow

There is a toolbar at the bottom of the slideshow, including functions like mute, share, print, etc.
Click Search button.

We can then enter the keywords we want to search.
Take “History ” as example, there are 4 pages including the keywords. When we click on it, the slideshow will jump to the corresponding page for that word.

We can also use the search function when reading a flipbook, we can learn more about it in another article: How to search content in flipbook

Edit the Slideshow

When we want to update our slideshow. we can do it with Visual Paradigm Online Office Suite. In the Slideshow section of our workspace, click Edit Content of the Slideshow we want to edit.

We will then open the slideshow with Presentation Editor and start editing.

When finished, we can save it as Slideshow again by clicking the Share button.
We can also save it as formats like pptx. and pdf.