The six characteristics of high EQ and low EQ

The six characteristics of high EQ and low EQ

IQ often determines a person’s lower limit of achievement, while EQ determines a person’s upper limit, and the height a person can reach is often determined by his EQ. Edit this Template High EQ vs Low EQ Emotionally intelligent people are always in a good position in life and work because they are not only good at recognizing the emotions of others, but also good at controlling their own behavior and emotions. In life, people with high EQ will feel as comfortable around them as if they have been best friends for years.…continue reading →
The characteristics of servant leadership

The characteristics of servant leadership

In the east of the world, the ancient Indian thinker Chanakhya noted as early as the fourth century in his famous work Asashastra that: “A wise king delights in the pleasure of his subjects”. Edit this Template In the West, the idea of servant leadership can be traced back to Jesus Christ, who taught his disciples, Jesus called them together and said, “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants…continue reading →
Which is more important? Hard skills or soft skills?

Which is more important? Hard skills or soft skills?

Hard Skills Like computer hardware, they are external, visible to everyone, or easily felt, for examples: Intelligence level, whether smart or not; Professional knowledge, such as computer technology and business experience; Logical analysis ability, whether the thinking is thorough and the reasoning is rigorous; The ability to solve complex problems, whether they have a big picture view, whether they can grasp the key points of problems, etc. Management techniques such as planning, management and coordination. Edit this Template Generally speaking, there are two main aspects of hard skills: intellectual level and professional skills,…continue reading →
The 15 Traits of Emotional Intelligence

The 15 Traits of Emotional Intelligence

Edit this Template Edit this Template Edit this Template What Is Emotional Intelligent Emotional intelligence (otherwise known as emotional quotient or EQ) is one of the most influential ideas in business in recent years. The idea is that managers’ ability to understand and control the emotions of themselves and those around them will determine better business performance. Edit this Template The model consists ofIn other words, emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and understand the emotional states of one’s own and others, and use this information to solve problems and regulate behavior.…continue reading →


你是一個好領導嗎?無論是任何組織、企業、單位、部門、集團或團隊,領導力是決定勝負的關鍵。這就是為什麼領導者比其他人得到更多的報酬。根據蓋洛普的一項研究,65% 的離職員工實際上是想離開他們的老闆而不是組織。下屬的懶惰和注意力不集中通常是由他們的上司造成的。 你是一個好領導嗎?無論任何組織、企業、單位、部門、團體或團隊,領導力都是成敗的關鍵。這就是為什麼領導者的薪水高於其他人的原因。根據蓋洛普的一項研究,65% 的辭職員工實際上是想離開老闆而不是公司。下屬的懶惰和注意力不集中通常是由上級造成的。 為什麼員工會失去興趣並離職? No.1:不尊重 No.2:不參與決策 No.3:觀點被貶低 No.4:努力與回報不匹配 No.5:薪資問題 編輯此模板 有效領導力的前五項技能 在上述前三點中,主管應承擔直接責任。 你總是把你的下屬當成聽話的, 認為一切都在你的掌控之中, 喜歡給下屬“指揮”和“控制”一切。 和你一樣,他們也有抱負、夢想和所愛的人。他們想證明自己的重要性,並希望得到足夠的尊重。優秀的管理者總是很少見的。雖然有些人是天生的領導者,但大多數人仍然需要學習。 這裡有五種領導技能,可以讓你成為一名成功的領導者。 編輯此模板continue reading →
The 10 hard skills and 5 soft skills employers will need most in 2020

The 10 hard skills and 5 soft skills employers will need most in 2020

LinkedIn, a business social platform, conducted a survey that analyzed the soft and hard skills that job seekers need most by 2020. The survey analyzed data from more than 660 million professionals and more than 20 million recruitment requests to arrive at five soft and 10 hard skills that job seekers should have by 2020. Top 10 Hard Skills Edit this Template Top 5 Soft Skills Edit this Template Hard Skills vs Soft Skills Hard skills are usually acquired through education or special training. They include abilities such as how to use specific equipment,…continue reading →
The characteristics of low emotional intelligence

The characteristics of low emotional intelligence

“No doubt emotional intelligence is rarer than book smarts, but my experience says it is actually more important in the making of a leader. You just can’t ignore it.” – Jack Welch, chairman of GE, speaking to the Wall Street Journal Signs of Low Emotional Intelligence Edit this Template The Characteristics of Low Emotional Intelligence and How To Improve? Edit this Template Emotional Intelligence Edit this Template Ways to Foster Your Emotional Intelligence Edit this Templatecontinue reading →