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Cigarettes contain about 600 ingredients. As cigarettes are burnt, more than 7000 chemicals are produced. Among them, at least 69 are harmful, and many are toxic that can cause lung cancer. The tobacco epidemic is one of the greatest public health threats the world has ever seen, according to the WTO studies smoking: Cause more than 8 million deaths worldwide each year More than 7 million of these deaths are due to direct smoking About 1.2 million are due to non-smokers’ exposure to second-hand smoke Are There Any Safer Form of Smoking? Smoking…
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Cats are special in that they are predators of our native species, as well as pets and companions for many people. They have attracted humans for thousands of years. From the downy ears to the wag of the tail, it’s hard for us humans to ignore the mystery and beauty of cats. The first year of a cat’s life is equivalent to the first 15 years of a human life in terms of growth. After its second year, in human years, a cat is 25. And after that, a year of life for…
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Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world and is enjoyed by millions of people every day. Water is the only drink more popular than coffee. The taste of fresh jars is intoxicating. Without getting a freshly brewed cup of coffee, there are people who cannot start their day. Drinking a cup of coffee each day is not really a bad thing, though. In the opposite, scientists say it has been shown to be safe and can be good to our health. Each morning, drinking coffee gives you more than…
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For many of us, we want to learn more skills than the time available. As different material becomes more available online, the quantity of stuff we want to learn can only grow. Since we can’t control our time, finding ways to learn thing quicker is the only solution. A great strength is the capacity to understand information easily. People who are able to comprehend new concepts easily, apply new knowledge and information in a short period of time have a distinct advantage over those who are struggling to learn. Here is a list…
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You need agility, strong planning and organizational skills to succeed in today’s business. Many people started a corporation believing that they are going to turn on their laptop or open the door to earn money. They might end up to realize that it is quite difficult to get a company off the ground and just as difficult to continue to develop a company once it’s developed. You can eliminate this situation with your business ventures by taking the time and preparing all the appropriate steps you need to take to succeed. No regardless…
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For your physical and mental health, you know that sleep is important. But how do you know if you really sleep well? Your sleep can not be exactly the same as the sleep of other persons, particularly on shift work. Measuring your sleep habits to those around you is complicated. Adults usually get between seven and nine hours of sleep a night, on average, although these standards differ. Some individuals, for example, do best when they sleep straight for eight hours, and others nap at night and throughout the day for six to…
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For a variety of reasons, some people may not be able to go to traditional physics schools, so they prefer online education. In the traditional curriculum model, class meeting times are fixed and students have limited time to choose from, forcing them to make a lot of adjustments around those hours to suit their work schedules. Most people who choose to study online tend to have other things to do, preferring flexibility and using their time to complete their studies and work in parallel. Here are some of the benefits offered by online…
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Diving is the ideal place to be away from all the noise, pollution and trouble in the world. You immediately hear nothing but your own breathing into the water. There was no conversation, no ringing of the phone! All contact was made by hand gestures. When you’re under the surface, you completely forget what’s happening on the surface, what’s keeping you occupied. It’s just you and how you feel about being underwater for an hour. What Is Deep Dive? A deep dive is called any underwater dive with a depth greater than the…
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The biggest mammal on earth is the whale. They live in the ocean everywhere. These large mammals range from 600-pound sperm whales to giant blue whales, weighing more than 200 tons and growing nearly as long as a regular basketball court, over 100 feet in length. From land-living mammals, whales evolved. As such, whales must breathe oxygen, while they can linger for long periods of time submerged under water. Threats to Whales Although most populations of whales have been fully protected from hunting for some time, unfortunately, whales and dolphins continue to be…
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Jet lag, also known as time zone shift syndrome or desynchronization, occurs when people rapidly move across time zones. It is a physiological state due to the body’s circadian rhythm, also known as the biological clock. Before travelers completely adapt to the new time zone, jet lag can last many days. For pilots, crew members and individuals who fly a lot, jet lag is especially serious. Airlines have rules intended to tackle jet lag-induced pilot fatigue. Key Facts of Jet Lag The same jet lag symptoms can also be suffered by infants and…
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