Understanding Customer Behavior and Customer Journey

Understanding Customer Behavior and Customer Journey

What is Customer Behavior? Consumer behavior is the study of individuals, groups or organizations and all activities associated with the purchase, use and disposal of goods and services. Consumer behavior includes how consumers' emotions, attitudes, and preferences influence purchasing behavior ...
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What is Five Stages of Grief?

What is Five Stages of Grief?

Everyone has probably experienced a lost love, the death of a loved one, a car accident, an event like the 9/11 earthquake, finding out they have cancer or HIV and other sad and catastrophic events. At first, we may be ...
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The Best Flowchart tool for Students in 2022

The Best Flowchart tool for Students in 2022

What is a Flowchart? Why it is still relevant to us today? A flowchart is simply a graphical representation of the steps. It shows the steps in order and is widely used to show the flow of an algorithm, workflow, ...
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What is the Virginia Satir Change Model?

What is the Virginia Satir Change Model?

Virginia Satir has developed a model that shows how people experience and respond to change. Its purpose is to help project team members understand how they feel so that they can implement change more effectively. The Virginia Satir Change Model ...
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What is The Kubler-Ross Change Curve?

What is The Kubler-Ross Change Curve?

Kübler-Ross, an American psychologist, categorized the psychological reactions and behavioral changes of terminally ill patients from the time they are told of their illness to the time of death into five typical stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Edit ...
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What is Bridges Transition Model? Change vs Transition Explained

What is Bridges Transition Model? Change vs Transition Explained

The Bridge Transition Model, which focuses on transition rather than change. The idea of focusing on transition rather than change is not only a matter of wording, but it also devises an entirely different approach to change management. Change vs ...
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What is a customer journey map?

What is a customer journey map?

Do you want to make an unforgettable first impression and provide a different buying experience for your customers? Do you want to know how your customers are shopping in today's digital world? Customer journey mapping is a very useful technique ...
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