How to design eye-catching posters

How to design eye-catching posters

Often posters messages are presented through images. The main purpose it's for it to be seen instead of being read. So it's important to make your message stand out and create a visual impact on your audience.
5 Quick tips on brochure designs

5 Quick tips on brochure designs

Creating a professional brochure can be challenging. We want to share some tips with you on how to create a stunning brochure without breaking a sweat.
Understanding Customer Behavior and Customer Journey

Understanding Customer Behavior and Customer Journey

What is Customer Behavior? Consumer behavior is the study of individuals, groups or organizations and all activities associated with the purchase, use and disposal of goods and services. Consumer behavior includes how consumers' emotions, attitudes, and preferences influence purchasing behavior. Edit the above illustrations: Customer Behaviors, Purchasing Habit, Consumer Motivation…
What is Five Stages of Grief?

What is Five Stages of Grief?

The "five stages of grief" vary from person to person, and some people may only go through a few of these stages; others may get stuck in "depression" and even choose to end their lives, never reaching the point of "accepting" the truth. Stages. By understanding the "five stages of grief," you can help yourself examine your current state, find ways to cope, and get out of the shadow of grief faster. Sometimes a change of mind, a change of thought, is the key to "acceptance".
The Best Flowchart tool for Students in 2022

The Best Flowchart tool for Students in 2022

A flowchart in the classroom is a diagram of a student's thought process. It allows students to outline their ideas and thoughts in a logical and organized manner, allowing them the freedom to review and think. In this way, students can describe a series of events or actions step by step and get results. The use of flowcharts helped improve reading comprehension skills for students at all grade levels. This is a useful learning tool for students as it will be used frequently in business meetings and future presentations.
What is the Virginia Satir Change Model?

What is the Virginia Satir Change Model?

Virginia Satir has developed a model that shows how people experience and respond to change. Its purpose is to help project team members understand how they feel so that they can implement change more effectively. The Virginia Satir Change Model is a five-stage model of change. It describes the impact of each stage on people's emotions, thoughts, performance, physiology, and more. Using the principles embodied in the model, you can improve your ability to understand how to deal with change and how to help others deal with it.
What is The Kubler-Ross Change Curve?

What is The Kubler-Ross Change Curve?

Kubler-Ross proposes that a terminally ill patient goes through five stages of grief after learning of his or her condition. She further proposed that this model could be applied to any dramatic life change situation. The first five stages of shock & denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance - have been adjusted over the years. There are many versions of the curve that exist. Most of them, however, are consistent in their use of the following basic emotions, which are often grouped into three distinct transitional stages.
What is Bridges Transition Model? Change vs Transition Explained

What is Bridges Transition Model? Change vs Transition Explained

The Bridge Transition Model, which focuses on transition rather than change. The idea of focusing on transition rather than change is not only a matter of wording, but it also devises an entirely different approach to change management. Only when leaders and organizations solve the transformation problems encountered by people in the process of change can change succeed. If the change is to be carried out as planned, the key is to support people to realize the transformation, rather than forcibly complete the transformation. This is the key to taking advantage of innovation opportunities and creating organizational flexibility.
What is a customer journey map?

What is a customer journey map?

Customer journey mapping is a very useful technique to help you understand your customers' motivations - their needs, indecisiveness and concerns. While most organizations are quite good at collecting customer data, data alone cannot convey the frustrations and experiences of customers. One of the best storytelling tools in business is the customer journey map (CJM).