10 Steps To Zen

10 Steps To Zen

Zen is both a disciplined activity in which we can understand the pleasure of life, our true nature revealing itself moment by moment, and anything we do. It’s not a system of religion to which one converts. No dogma or ideology! Zen is the actual perception of what we might…
10 Steps In Coping With Depression

10 Steps In Coping With Depression

Depression grabs your motivation, optimism, and drive away, making it impossible to take action that can make you feel stronger. Even if thinking about things you can do to feel better, including exercising or spending time with friends, can seem exhausting or difficult to put into action. Depression will make…
5 Steps In Design Thinking

5 Steps In Design Thinking

What is Design Thinking? Why is it still so important in 2020? Unlock the power of design thinking and revolutionize your approach to problem-solving in 2020 and beyond! Design thinking is not just a buzzword; it's a transformative methodology that puts people at the heart of innovation. In today's fast-paced…
8 Reasons Of Feeling Tired Infographic

8 Reasons Of Feeling Tired Infographic

Reclaim your Energy and Stop Feeling Tired We've all experienced moments of fatigue and exhaustion, where no amount of sleep or rest seems to alleviate our weariness. While lack of sleep is often blamed for feeling sluggish, there are various other factors that can contribute to persistent tiredness or fatigue.…
6 Memorization Techniques Infographic

6 Memorization Techniques Infographic

Mental mechanism to store items such as experiences, names, appointments, addresses, telephone numbers, charts, stories, poems, photographs, charts, graphs, facts, music or other visual, auditory, or operational knowledge in memory for later recall items, and thus, the act of committing something to memory is memorization. Although maintenance rehearsal can be…
5 Steps To Help Anxiety Infographics

5 Steps To Help Anxiety Infographics

As fear challenges our state of mind, it can be impossible to stay in the moment of now. Yet one mindfulness technique used by several psychologists has the ability to liberate our minds from fear by grounding us in the moment. The 5-4-3-2-1 technique is an easy and powerful way to…
About Elephants Infographic

About Elephants Infographic

Top Ten Facts about Elephants They are the world’s largest land animal You can distinguish African vs Asian Elephant from their ears Elephants have around 150,000 muscle units in their trunk Their tusks are actually teeth They’ve got thick skin They can spend up to three-quarters of their day eating…
Time-saving Hacks Infographic

Time-saving Hacks Infographic

We are all very busy. Every day we say and hear: I’m too busy! I’m very busy with my work; My family keeps me busy. Our work is always piling up every day and we don’t have enough time to finish our tasks. Busyness can prevent us from being truly…
6 Facts Of Agriculture And Farm Infographic

6 Facts Of Agriculture And Farm Infographic

Agriculture involves planting plants and breeding animals. Civilization is the product of agriculture that began thousands of years ago. About 105000 years ago, people began to collect wild grains. Pigs were domesticated about 15000 years ago, while rice was planted in China as early as 13500 years ago. In US,…
How To Study Effectively Infographic

How To Study Effectively Infographic

Have you ever felt irritated because you’ve been studying for a lot of time and didn’t get anything out of it? You are unsure of the right way to prepare for your classes? Have you ever felt that how much work you put in did not reflect the mark or…